What You Need to Know About Implanted Retained Dentures

Implant-retained dentures in Sioux Falls, SD, replace natural teeth that you have lost to dental disease or trauma. The dentures remain in your mouth permanently and function just as your natural teeth do. If you choose implant-retained dentures, you can expect to enjoy several benefits, such as an improved smile, better chewing ability, and clearer speech.

How to Get Implant Retained Dentures in Sioux Falls SD

First, you need to schedule a diagnostic consultation with one of the dentists at Full Mouth Implant Smile. This appointment gives you the opportunity to ask all the questions you have about the procedure and for our dentist to determine whether you should proceed with the rest of the process. Our dentist will take X-rays, CT scans, and impressions of your teeth and gums to aid in treatment planning.

Placing the Implant Screws

Next, our dentist drills into your jawbone to place several small titanium posts. The posts support your new dentures and replace your lost roots and bones. You need to wait several months after the placement of the implant screws for the posts to bond with the existing bone in a process known as osseointegration. We provide you with temporary dentures that do not put too much pressure on your healing jaw.

When our dentist is certain that your jaw has healed, it is time to place healing collars and abutments that help to keep your new teeth sturdy. The final step is to place the dentures containing several consecutive teeth or an entire row of teeth on your jaw and secure it in place.

Are you ready to see the huge difference thatimplant-secured dentures in Sioux Falls, SD, can make in your life? Contact Full Mouth Implant Smile today to request a consultation.

Why Retained Dentures Are Right For You

Dentures are a standard solution for missing teeth, but they can be uncomfortable and unstable, significantly lower dentures. Fortunately, there is an alternative: retained dentures. This post will explore what retained dentures are, their benefits and if they may be right for you.

The professional team at Full Mouth Implant Smile of Sioux Falls, SD, is proud to serve the local community with premium dental services, including well-crafted and customizable implants and dentures that can repair and rejuvenate your smile.

What are Retained Dentures?

Retained dentures are a type of denture that is held in place by dental implants. Unlike traditional dentures, which rest on the gums and can slip or shift, retained dentures are securely anchored to the jawbone, providing a stable and comfortable fit.

Retained dentures are placed in a two-step process. First, dental implants are surgically placed in the jawbone. These implants act as the anchor for the denture. Once the implants have healed and fused with the jawbone, the denture is attached.

What are the Benefits of Retained Dentures?

  1. Improved comfort: Retained dentures are more comfortable than traditional dentures since dental implants hold them in place. This eliminates the discomfort caused by loose or ill-fitting dentures. Here are the most fundamental advantages of retained dentures:
  2. Improved stability: Retained dentures are securely anchored to the jawbone, preventing them from slipping or shifting while eating or speaking. This provides improved strength and confidence.
  3. Improved function: With retained dentures, you can eat, chew, and speak confidently since the dentures are held securely in place.
  4. Improved oral health: Retained dentures can help preserve your oral health by preventing bone loss in the jaw. Traditional dentures can cause bone loss over time, leading to changes in facial structure and difficulty with chewing.

Your Trusted Dental Expert

Contact your dentist to schedule a consultation if you want to learn more about retained dentures or other dental implant options. You can achieve a healthy, confident smile with the proper dental care and treatment. During your next appointment with the qualified team at Full Mouth Implant Smile of Sioux Falls, SD, you can be sure you receive the proper care and guidance you and your family deserve.

Best Permanent Solutions for Missing Teeth

Having a tooth extracted or losing a tooth due to trauma or accident is a very common occurrence. However, losing a tooth doesn’t mean you have to continue on with an unsightly gap in your beautiful smile. Your dentist in Sioux Falls, SD has permanent solutions for missing or extracted teeth, and you’re going to love the way they look.

Single Dental Implants

If you’re missing a single tooth, then a single-tooth implant may be right for you. To replace a single tooth, your dental specialist will implant a post, usually made of strong titanium, through the gum and into the jawbone below. Over time, the post bonds, or osseointegrated, to the jawbone. This forms a permanent foundation on which your dentist can place an abutment and then a crown. Once in place, your new dental implant will look and function just like a natural tooth.

Full Arch Implants

There are two reasons patients may request a full-arch implant. Either, they’re on the verge of losing an entire upper or lower set of teeth, or they’re currently wearing removable dentures and would like a more permanent solution. If your dental issues call for a full replacement, instead of just a single implant, a full-arch implant could be ideal. Using as few as four implanted posts, your dental professional can permanently replace a full upper or lower arch of teeth.

Implant-Retained Dentures

Implant-retained dentures are removable for cleaning. However, they’re held in place by implanted posts. As a result, you never need to worry about slippage, and there’s no need for denture adhesive. Usually, between 2 and 4 implanted posts are necessary to hold implant-retained dentures in place.

If you’re ready to discuss dental implant solutions in Sioux Falls, SD, contact Full Mouth Implant Smile today.

Are Retained Dentures Uncomfortable to Wear?  

When people think about dentures, it’s hard not to make assumptions about what they’re like to take care of, whether they will be comfortable to wear, and how well they’ll be able to withstand everyday wear and tear (e.g., crunchy foods, etc). We’ll look at what retained dentures in Sioux Falls, SD feel like, and whether they’re a good choice for you.

What Are Retained Dentures in Sioux Falls?

Retained dentures are fixed to the gums with the help of small implants. They’re worn over the gums and supported by posts that attach to the bones in the jaw. Because standard dentures can easily slip and slide, depending on the activity, the implants make it possible to fix the device in the mouth. People can talk and chew normally without having to worry if their dentures have moved from their proper positions.

How Do Retained Dentures Feel?

The description may sound unpleasant at first glance, but retained dentures are actually more comfortable to wear than standard dentures. Dentures that are loose-fitting are more than just a distraction, they can be painful if they fail when you’re eating or speaking. People with retained dentures are more confident because they know that they can handle nearly anything. Whether it’s a loose seed or an unexpected impact, the implants keep their dentures secure.

If you’re looking for a dentist in Sioux Falls, SD who can help you find the right oral devices for you, Full Mouth Implant Smile is here to help. Our staff can tell you more about who’s eligible for implant-retained dentures and what the procedure will be like if you decide to take the plunge. It’s worth noting that these dentures aren’t just more comfortable than traditional counterparts, they’re typically better for your overall oral health. Contact us today!

Why Implant Retained Dentures May Be a Better Choice Than Traditional Dentures

Today’s dental patients have more options than ever when it comes to replacing missing teeth. While full or partial dentures were the go-to tooth replacement option in the past, many people now prefer implants because they are permanent, non-removable, and look and function more like natural teeth. Full Mouth Implant Smile offers implant retained dentures in Sioux Falls, SD for patients who desire these benefits.

Other Benefits of Implant Retained Dentures

During your initial consultation with Dr. Beecraft, he inspects your teeth and gums to see if you have adequate bone structure to support implants. Implants are tiny metal posts that he drills into your jaw that keep your new dentures held firmly in place. If you lack adequate bone structure in the implant area, he will determine if he can move small pieces of bone from one area of your jaw to another.

Before Dr. Beecraft can place the metal posts, he must remove the damaged root and then drill a hole in your jawbone. The posts go deep into the jawbone with a small part remaining above the jawbone to support the dentures. Once your jaw has healed, he places an abutment on top of the post that holds your new teeth. Here are just some of the benefits of choosing implant supported dentures over traditional dentures:

  • Returns your ability to speak, bite, and chew normally
  • Prevents bone loss in the area surrounding the extracted or missing teeth
  • You no longer have pain from chronic toothaches or gum infections.
  • Your replacement teeth are not prone to cavities.
  • You can smile confidently knowing that your dentures are secure and will not slip out of your mouth.

Contact your Sioux Falls, SD, Dentist

To learn more about implant supported dentures in Sioux Falls, SD, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Beecraft at your convenience.