Why Do I Need Retained Dentures?

Missing and chipped teeth indirectly affect your lifestyle. You may not be able to speak, eat, chew, sing, or smile the way that you used to before.

Your smile is often the first thing someone notices about you when making a new connection, whether personal or professional.

Retained dentures can help fix many oral issues and give you the confidence to live fearlessly.

The experienced team at Full Mouth Smile in Sioux Falls, SD, is proud to serve the local community with quality dental care services, including building and maintaining retained dentures. Thus, you can have full confidence in quality dental care in your corner daily.

Why Choose Retained Dentures?

Retained dentures, also known as implant-supported dentures, are a type of denture that is anchored to dental implants. This provides a more secure and stable fit compared to traditional dentures.

  • No More Slipping: Say goodbye to the denture dance. Retained dentures stay put, so you can eat and talk without worrying about them.
  • Feel More Natural: They feel more like your real teeth, so you can confidently smile.
  • Preserve Your Jawbone: Unlike traditional dentures, retained dentures help keep your jawbone strong.
  • Eat What You Love: With retained dentures, you can enjoy all your favorite dishes without avoiding certain foods.

Your Trusted Dental Care Professionals

Retained dentures could be the solution for you. An initial consultation helps us determine your goals and next steps.

We look forward to helping you achieve your smile goals in a warm and welcoming environment. Our staff is also looking forward to answering any and all questions you may have.

During your next appointment with the trained team at Full Mouth Smile in Sioux Falls, SD, you can be sure you are receiving the utmost care and quality that you and your family deserve.

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