Single Tooth Implant

What to Expect When Getting Full Arch Dental Implants

When you are getting dental implants, you can choose from an individual implant to full arch implants. If you need all of your teeth replaced with implants, a full arch prosthetic is the right choice. Learn more about entire arch dental implants and be prepared to get this type of treatment. Our dental team at Full Mouth Implant Smile in Sioux Falls, South Dakota is ready to assist you with comprehensive options.

What is a Full Arch Dental Implant

In terms of dental implants, a full arch implant is a complete set of teeth and an abutment that goes between the implants and the teeth. The teeth used in implants are also called a restoration of teeth. The result is a complete set of teeth permanently affixed to the top or bottom of the patient’s mouth.

Benefits of a Full Arch Dental Implant

The use of a full arch dental implant allows the patient to be able to keep their dentures in overnight for a more realistic feeling set of teeth. You can have dentures for life with a complete arch implant.

When it is time to clean your teeth, brushing and flossing are made more convenient and natural compared to removable dentures. You also look and feel more confident in having new teeth that are not going to slip out of your mouth while you talk or eat.

Schedule a Full Arch Dental Implant in Sioux Falls, SD

We are excited that you are considering an entire arch dental implant in Sioux Falls, SD. Our dental clinic is led by Dr. Beecroft who is highly trained in dental implants. Contact us at 605-301-0916 to schedule your dental consultation for implants. We also provide individual dental implants, as well as implant-retained dentures.

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