3 Great Benefits of Single Tooth Implants

Are you thinking about getting single tooth dental implants in Sioux Falls, SD? If so, you’ve got many things to look forward to! There are many benefits of single tooth implants. Knowing those benefits can help you decide whether single tooth implants are right for you.

1. Single Implants Look Like Your Natural Teeth

Single tooth implants are designed to look just like your natural teeth. In fact, your implants will be created to fit perfectly in your mouth. Their color will be based on the color of your other teeth, so that your implant (or implants) will be indistinguishable from your natural teeth. When you smile, no one will know that you have a prosthetic tooth in your mouth.

2. Single Tooth Implants Are Easy to Maintain

Single tooth implants are maintained much like your natural teeth. Your implant will need to be brushed, flossed, and seen by the dentist on a regular basis. Since you should already be spending time taking care of your other teeth, taking care of your implant should require no extra work.

3. Single Tooth Implants Last for Decades

Single tooth implants can last for many decades, if you take proper care of them. Brush your teeth twice daily, floss once daily, and see your dental professional in Sioux Falls, SD every six months. Provided that your dental implant was installed by a skilled expert, you should have no trouble maintaining your dental implant for decades to come.

Ready for a Dental Implant? Contact Us

Dental implants can help fill gaps in your mouth from missing teeth, which can prevent your other teeth from shifting in your mouth. It’s important to get dental implants when you need them! Call Full Mouth Implant Smile in Sioux Falls to make an appointment.

Do I Need a Full Arch Implant or Dentures? How Dentists Decide

When you’re missing teeth, whether it’s just a few or the whole row, full-arch implants or dentures are two options that can help you fill in those pearly whites. We’ll look at how dentists make the call and what you should know before choosing one or the other.

What Is a Full-Arch Implant?

A full-arch implant in Sioux Fall, SD uses around 5 dental implants (the exact number depends on the condition of your mouth) to restore the whole arch. Unlike traditional dentures, the device is cemented to your gums so they won’t shift. Full-arch implants are typically recommended if your mouth is healthy enough to support the posts, as they will put some degree of pressure on the rest of the mouth. Not only do they look natural, but they also prevent bone loss by strengthening the jaw.

When Do You Need Dentures?

Dentures are recommended if your mouth is too severely damaged for full-arch implants. However, it’s worth noting that there are several options available to you, depending on what you’re looking for. For instance, you may only need partial dentures, depending on the state of your teeth. The best way to decide is to consult with a dentist in Sioux Falls, SD who can tell you more about what your mouth can sustain.

Find a Dentist in Sioux Falls, SD

Full Mouth Implant Smile knows that it’s not always easy to take the next steps when it comes to your health. If you’ve been putting off seeing a dentist, we’re here to help you deal with the problem, so you can put it behind you. If you have questions about whether dentures or implants are right for you, contact us today to learn more.

How to Care for Your Dental Implants

Dental implants look just like regular teeth. Does that mean they need the same type of care as your natural teeth? Not quite. Like your natural teeth, dental implants need to be kept clean and maintained in order to remain a healthy, functioning part of your mouth. However, there are some differences between the care of single tooth dental implants in Sioux Falls SD and your natural teeth.

How to Brush Dental Implants

You don’t need to have a special toothbrush just for your implant, but you do need to have a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid scratching the enamel. An electric toothbrush or manual toothbrush is fine, just be sure to use one with soft bristles!

Use a low-abrasive toothpaste to avoid scratching the enamel. They do make toothpaste specifically for implants, but you can use other types of toothpaste too, as long as they don’t scratch. Talk to your dentist to find out which toothpastes are best.

See the Dentist

The first step to ensuring that your implants will be in good condition is to get your implants installed by an expert dentist in Sioux Falls SD. Once the implant is in, it’s important to see your dentist every six months to help control the bacteria in your mouth and avoid problems that could do damage to your implant.

Know the Signs of a Problem

If your implant becomes painful, or if the gums around the implant become swollen, talk to your dentist to find out if you need to come in for an appointment. With proper care, your implant should last for many years.

Need more information about caring for implants? Call Full Mouth Implant Smile today.

Benefits of Implant-Retained Dentures

Implant retained dentures are a great option for anyone who needs to replace their teeth. Unlike standard dentures, implant-retained dentures are secured to the mouth in a long-term way. Knowing the benefits of getting implant-retained dentures in Sioux Falls, SD can help you decide if this service is for you.

Improve Bite

Traditional dentures aren’t secured to your mouth the same way that implant-retained dentures are secured to your mouth, which means that traditional dentures can slide around when you’re chewing. This prevents some people from enjoying the foods they love to eat.

Implanted retained dentures have the biting power that traditional dentures don’t have, so you can enjoy all of your favorite foods without fear of your dentures sliding around, irritating your tissues, or behaving like they’re not your natural teeth.

Longevity and Durability

Unlike traditional dentures, implant-retained dentures last for a very long time! Traditional dentures need to be replaced every 5 to 7 years to ensure proper fit and to be sure that your dentures work properly for your needs. Implant retained dentures will last for much longer than that if they’re properly maintained. Your dentist can tell you how to keep your implant-retained dentures in good condition to ensure they’ll last as long as possible.

Want to Know More About Implant Retained Dentures? See Our Recent Article

We’ve written more information about implant retained dentures on our website – you can see it for yourself! If you have more questions about how these dentures work and whether you’d be a good candidate for these dentures, call our dental office in Sioux Falls SD to learn more. We’ll be happy to answer your questions!

Ways to Recover from a Single Tooth Implant

Recovering from a single tooth implant is a process. Knowing what to expect during the recovery process and what you can do to make it easier on yourself can help make your single tooth implant in Sioux Falls SD a better experience overall. If you need a single tooth implant and will be getting the procedure soon, here’s what you need to know about the recovery.

Apply Ice

You can expect to be bruised after your implant surgery. Ice will help cut back on the swelling and bruising, and will also help take away your pain. Apply an ice pack to the area for about half an hour, remove the ice pack for about 20 minutes, then repeat the process. Keep doing this for the first 24 hours at least, or until your dental professional in Sioux Falls SD tells you to stop.

Go Easy On Yourself

You’ll be given a sedative during your implant procedure, so you shouldn’t drive yourself home. Have a friend or family member take you home. Don’t plan to go back to work either – you wouldn’t be very productive there anyway! Just go home and rest!

Go to Follow Up

Your dental professional will schedule a follow-up appointment soon after your single tooth implant. This is an important time to follow their advice! Be sure to go to your follow-up appointment – and follow any instructions that your dentist provides before and after your single tooth implant.

Need a Single Tooth Implant? Make An Appointment

If you’re in need of a single tooth implant, get started by making an appointment with Full Mouth Implant Smile today. Call today!

Could I Benefit From a Single Tooth Implant?

Single tooth implants can help people restore their smile after an accident damages a tooth, or once a permanent tooth is lost. Knowing when a single tooth implant in Sioux Falls could help you is important! Below are some of the common signs that you would be a good candidate for a single tooth implant performed by a reputable, experienced dental professional.

Damaged or Missing Tooth

If you’re missing a tooth, or have a tooth that’s so damaged it can’t be fixed, then you might benefit from a single tooth implant. Talk to your dental professional to have your tooth assessed. Your dental professional in Sioux Falls SD will be able to tell you if a single tooth implant is the best option for you.

Healthy Gums and Bone

One of the requirements for getting a single tooth implant is having healthy gums and a healthy jaw. Your single tooth implant will need sufficient jaw bone to fuse to. Your dental professional can help you decide whether you’re a good candidate for this kind of surgery.


Smoking can increase the time it takes to heal after a surgery. Smoking can also lead to more complications during the healing process. If you’re a non-smoker, you may be a great candidate for a single tooth implant.

Have Good Overall Oral Hygiene

Your dentist will want you to have overall good oral hygiene in order to perform a single tooth implant. If your oral hygiene is not good, they’ll want to get that taken care of before the single implant surgery. This will give your single tooth implant the best chance of success possible.

To learn more about whether you’re a good candidate for a single tooth implant, make an appointment today.

Single Tooth Implant

Prevent Bone Loss With a Single-Tooth Implant

Do you have a painful tooth that’s beyond repair? An extraction is probably the best solution. When your dentist in Sioux Falls, SD, extracts an adult tooth, they leave behind an open space where the tooth used to be. However, leaving an open gap like this causes a condition we call bone loss. Bone loss happens when there’s no longer a tooth in place to bite and chew. These actions stimulate the bone beneath your teeth and help keep it healthy. When the tooth is gone, the bone assumes it’s no longer needed and deteriorates where the tooth used to be.

Problems Associated with Bone Loss

Bone loss may lead to more serious issues if left untreated. These include:

  • Receding gums
  • Gaps between your remaining teeth
  • Malocclusion
  • Speech impediment
  • Problems with biting and chewing

If bone loss is severe enough, it can cause areas of your facial structure to become distorted, making you look older than you really are. The best way to prevent bone loss after a tooth extraction is to opt for a single-tooth implant.

How a Single-Tooth Implant Can Help

When your dentist replaces your missing tooth with a single-tooth implant, he imbeds a post in the jawbone. Over a period of time, the post bonds with the bone. Afterward, an abutment is added to act as a connector between the post and a prosthetic tooth. Last, your dentist sets the replacement tooth into position. This tooth looks and functions just like a natural tooth. It can be dyed to match the surrounding teeth, and it adds the pressure needed to prevent bone loss.

Contact Your Dentist in Sioux Falls, SD Today

Full Mouth Implant Smile is top choice of dentist in South Dakota. We can help with single-tooth implants in Sioux Falls when you schedule your initial consultation today.

Implant-Retained Dentures – The Perks for Frustrated Denture Wearers

While dentures are still one of the most efficient ways to restore your smile when you’ve lost all or most of your teeth, these dental appliances don’t come without frustrating problems for some patients. Implant-retained dentures in Sioux Falls could be the one change you make that gives you back your smile and the function of your teeth. Take a look at just how these innovative dentures could change your life.

Get More Stability When You Chew

Dentures only restore a fraction of your chewing power. They are made to move with your gums when you chew to allow you to break down food, but they can still slip out of place when you chew too heartily or eat certain foods. Implant-retained dentures do not shift and move because they are stabilized into your jaw bone.

Feel More Confident About Your Smile

Even though a lot of people wear dentures, most people do not want people to be able to see that they are wearing dentures when they smile. Because dentures can shift and move, they may not look as realistic when you smile openly. Implant-retained dentures keep your teeth in place no matter how big you smile or how much you laugh.

Deter Problems with Bone Loss

After teeth are removed from the jaw bones, the bones automatically start to lose a bit of their height. Over time, this change in bone height can actually change the shape of the lower half of your face. Dental implants help to deter natural bone degeneration, so the bone height and the shape of your face stay close to the same.

Find Out More About Implant-Retained Dentures in Sioux Falls

When you have been dealing with frustrating denture issues, implant-retained dentures can be a life-changing treatment. To find out more about getting implants to stabilize your dentures from a Sioux Falls dentist, reach out to us at Full Mouth Implant Smile to schedule a consultation.

Benefits of Full Arch Implants

When deciding between full arch implants in Sioux Falls, SD, dentures, or single tooth implants, you should know that there are numerous benefits of full arch implants. Ultimately, you and your Sioux Falls, SD dentist will decide what’s best, but you’ll want to be aware of how much you can get out of full arch implants.

Multiple Issues Solved At Once

Full arch implants solve the issue of multiple missing teeth. When you get this revolutionary procedure, you can save time and money by not having to keep going back to have diseased severely damaged teeth treated one-by-one.


The process of getting full arch implants is straightforward, plus you get the benefit of long-lasting results. The most common lifespan of full arch implants is between 5 and 15 years, with some lasting for decades.

More Stable and Comfortable Than Dentures

Dentures certainly serve their purpose in certain circumstances. But they can’t compare with the stability and comfort of full arch implants. Full arch implants don’t shift position, don’t irritate gums, and are not even noticeable to the wearer as far as a physical sensation. In other words, full-arch implants are so comfortable, you’ll forget they’re even there!

Stronger Than Your Natural Teeth

Full arch implants do more than replace diseased or missing natural teeth; they are actually stronger than your natural teeth ever were. The FDA-approved dental materials used to fabricate full arch implants are more resilient and stronger than the material that your teeth are made of.

Healthier Jaw Bone

Missing teeth can lead to the degradation of jaw bone. When you have full arch implants, that jaw bone is protected and strengthened, giving your facial structure better support.

Talk to your Sioux Falls, SD dentist today about whether full arch implants may be right for you. You’ll be glad you did!