Benefits of Full Arch Implants

When deciding between full arch implants in Sioux Falls, SD, dentures, or single tooth implants, you should know that there are numerous benefits of full arch implants. Ultimately, you and your Sioux Falls, SD dentist will decide what’s best, but you’ll want to be aware of how much you can get out of full arch implants.

Multiple Issues Solved At Once

Full arch implants solve the issue of multiple missing teeth. When you get this revolutionary procedure, you can save time and money by not having to keep going back to have diseased severely damaged teeth treated one-by-one.


The process of getting full arch implants is straightforward, plus you get the benefit of long-lasting results. The most common lifespan of full arch implants is between 5 and 15 years, with some lasting for decades.

More Stable and Comfortable Than Dentures

Dentures certainly serve their purpose in certain circumstances. But they can’t compare with the stability and comfort of full arch implants. Full arch implants don’t shift position, don’t irritate gums, and are not even noticeable to the wearer as far as a physical sensation. In other words, full-arch implants are so comfortable, you’ll forget they’re even there!

Stronger Than Your Natural Teeth

Full arch implants do more than replace diseased or missing natural teeth; they are actually stronger than your natural teeth ever were. The FDA-approved dental materials used to fabricate full arch implants are more resilient and stronger than the material that your teeth are made of.

Healthier Jaw Bone

Missing teeth can lead to the degradation of jaw bone. When you have full arch implants, that jaw bone is protected and strengthened, giving your facial structure better support.

Talk to your Sioux Falls, SD dentist today about whether full arch implants may be right for you. You’ll be glad you did!

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